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How to make better marketing decisions thanks to Marketing Automation System?

4 min read
Marketing Is a sum of many processes and actions from which one of the most important are those who react to what is actually going on in trends, needs, and interests of customers/clients. All those elements could change very dynamically over short periods of time, that is why tracking different metrics and analyzing how they behave regarding social and political factors is a key responsibility in marketer's work.
How to make better marketing decisions thanks to Marketing Automation System?

Real-Time Marketing isn’t something new, most marketers heard about it, and also had done many campaigns which used something big that everyone was talking about to boost the promotion of the company’s product or service. RTM is a good way to quickly reach new groups of potential customers/clients, but it has its blowback too. If RTM actions aren’t performed on time, and the company is lagging behind its competition, then potential clients can see it as a sign of weakness and stagnation in the company’s action.

RTM is working with different effectiveness depending on communication channel – social media aren’t the only way to make yourself better known. While creating Real-Time campaigns a question might pop up “is it possible to create all that without tracking and analyzing a multitude of metrics, and focus on making different decisions?” Yes, it is – through Marketing Automation.

Marketing Automation for different industry

Content is crucial for every industry. Users must have access to the newest information about the company’s actions, plans, changes. All this is necessary to assure customers that the company or brand still fits their mindset. To reach new recipients is one thing, to keep them close and make them loyal is another. Without a professional content distribution doing that is impossible. Breaking through information chaos and being the most visible company from the crowd of similar providers required finesse, a sense of timing, and a bit of luck. For instance – publishing a post or an article that will be seen by everyone in the same form will not convince them, but if the same content is personalized and small details are adjusted to specific needs of specific groups, then we are talking about the higher probability of conversion from only one publication.

Marketing Automation isn’t something new, at least that new. Since it has been around many myths gathered regarding this notion like that it is time and money consuming. Both are wrong, and often scare people who will benefit from MA the most away. Marketing automation helps to manage the distribution of content more easily without the need to delegate an additional workforce. One person can create very advanced scenarios and Customer Journey paths that will start automatically in the future when specific actions are done.  

The year 2021 has brought a new approach – customers and companies realized that practically everything could be done online, and the Internet became the first source of information. Without actions that will constantly remind customers/clients about the company or brand, their life expectancy is low. Without change and telling others about it, a company can start to be treated as one that can’t participate in a marketing race any longer. If clients change, and the company can’t keep up a pace, then there will be others who can.

Modern Marketing Automation Systems could be configured and ready to use in a matter of hours. Their interface is more and more intuitive, so the company won’t have to delegate its employees to long, complicated, and costly training. iPresso could be used by one person instead of the whole marketing team. Thanks to it, company can put a workforce in place where it is more needed and doesn’t lose time (and money) for keeping the additional team on their toes constantly.

Better decisions…but how?

Automation of marketing processes is more and more common, but how does it influence making better marketing decisions? The answer is simple – being prepared. Thanks to systems like iPresso it is possible to safely gather, analyze and use a huge amount of data without constant marketer’s attention. Once an advanced scenario is made it will manage the whole Customer Journey of clients/customers, taking into consideration various factors that were put there before. One scenario can easily use different channels of communication depending on what is needed and expected. Creating a scenario is simple, preparing to do so is another matter, because each scenario and steps in it are based on preferences of customers/clients, the impact of brand on their life and needs, changes in customer behavior, the evolution of trends, and many more factors that need to be taken into consideration. In each case it is possible to create an automatic path of distributing personalized content, that will provide the user/client/customer with the information he/she exactly needs.

Through scenarios, marketers or marketing teams don’t have to invest their time and attention into managing many of the daily processes. Most of the communication can be configured to happen in the background and update itself in time. In addition, scenarios could be connected to changes in various metrics sending different messages to specific groups. For example, a scenario about the promotion of products fitting for a new season, changes in weather (temperature), engagement, and so on.

Marketing Automation is an option for the dynamic growth of the company and for finding a way into the minds of customers more efficiently. More data you have, the more data you can use, better scenarios you can create, and more time and money you save.